On the 21st sun of the fourth astral moon (7/21/22), a new journey unfolded for the person, who was then known as Farah Nova. She bonded with her lover and soul mate, Sylvas Vex, taking the surname, and becoming known as Farah Vex from then on. The couple's bond is exclusive, deep, and wholesome.

The Bee's Knees Logo
The Bee's Knees Logo
The Bee's Knees Logo

The couple met at a tea shop, where Farah fell into a conversation with Sylvas' best friend. Sylvas later introduced herself, asking about Farah's career job, and that interaction set the stage for a wonderful friendship to blossom. From that friendship a romantic interest was sparked, and a deep, meaningful, love had its beginnings. It was the recipe for a perfect union.

- The ladies are well known and respected in their social circles. They are in an exclusive and monagomous marriage. While not social butterflies, they spend much time enjoying and visiting cafes, bath houses, restaurants, nightclubs, and venues of all sorts.

- They operate as a unit, a power couple as some have called them. They make decisions together, and work together in all of their undertakings. Where one is the primary focus, the other lends their support wholeheartedly.

- They are heavily invested in each of their unique and rich stories. However, they contribute and compliment each other's background and life history, interweaving them into one canon history of the couple.

- Both women work regular jobs and encourage the small businesses of Eorzea. Recently retiring from a number of positions, they have narrowed their focus to working one popular speakeasy, The Bee's Knees.

The Bee's Knees Logo

- They own a fine dining Seafood restaurant, Atlas Fine Dining and Seafood. They work beside their employees, and engage in profit sharing. This endeavor has been widely a success. Now boasting twelve employees and over sixty patrons in two months.

Atlas Fine Dining Seafood Logo

Farah started her DJing career in Eorzea about three and a half years ago. (September, 2020) There were only a couple DJs at the time, with her being the third, entering the scene. Since then, the DJing community now has exploded to over one hundred DJs spinning regularly in clubs around Eorzea.

DJing History

Current Residencies:

  • Lunar Coast Nightclub (Rotating schedule, club hours: 11pm-3am EST Friday/Saturday/Sunday)

Previous Residencies

  • Lavish Chateau

  • Luxe Nightclub

  • Moonlit Kiss

  • Foxy's Nightclub

  • Candyland

  • Rainbow Room

  • Moonwell Stellar

  • The Relic

  • Azure Crystal

  • SRC Manjushage

  • Switch Nightclub

  • Galaxy Nightclub

  • Black Chimera Nightclub

She has performed at numerous special events: Weddings, FC Parties, Festivals, Community Events.
She is self-managed, so if you have a question or are interested in bookings, please reach out to her, directly, at [email protected], farahvex on Discord or via tomestone message on the world Goblin, Farah Vex@Goblin , on the Crystal DataCenter.

Farah comes from a unique heritage. Unlike the Viera from the tribes of Golmore Jungle, Farah is from a notable subgroup of Viera called the Feol. Feol are, for the most part, secluded and set apart from the tribes, exiled as an abomination to a place called the Feol Warren.

Feol Specifics:
The Feol are a subrace introduced in FFXII by a member of a race called the Aegyl, short, winged, humanoid creatures. His name was Feolthanos. He took for himself a female Viera and had children with her. Their offspring were standing shorter than other Viera. Their ears were shorter. They had light colored hair, usually blonde to white. They were called Feol were exiled by the Viera tribes, labeled as being abominations, to a place called the Feol Warren.


Farah (Protagonist)
Farah was a red-haired, short, vibrant, young, and driven Viera. She grew up on a family-owned farm and was an insignificant face among twelve sisters and brothers. Her mother recognized her fiery spirit early on in her life, and her mother contributed largely to her development, her goal being to raise up a strong, independent woman who would be able to stand on her own, against incredible odds.

Farah would be given a stipend by her mother to travel to Ul'dah to join her brother there, giving her a push-start on her life journey to find adventure. Little did she know that through the course of that new life, she would fall in and out of love, find her true self, find that she was from endangered people group, the last of her kind, and stand against the odds, when everything and everyone seemed to be falling around her.

She'd finally find her true love, and with her true love, eradicate evil from her life, heal, and become the person she was meant to be all long, which didn't turn out to be who she had ever thought she'd be.

Characters in Farah's Life Story

Yrln (Farah's Mother)
Yrln was a pure-bloodline descendant, a great-granddaughter of FeolThanos. Her great-grandmother was one of the many Viera wives of Feolthanos, which he took for himself, after his first wife had given her life back to the Mist.

When a crazed daughter of Feolthanos, Mydia, began killing the Feol race, Yrln's great-grandmother desperately pleaded to Feolthanos for herself and her own daughter to be hidden away. Feolthanos agreed, and deeded her a small two malm plot of land near the Skatay Range, where they could live in peace. Feolthanos further agreed that they would change their surname to Forsythe, so as to not attract the attention of Mydia or any of those aligned with her.

The location would remain hidden, and all deeds, writings, contracts would be burned to ensure no one would find them. Feolthanos placed a protection ward over the farm to further hide them from the outside world and from Mydia’s eyes. And there, generations of her family would live until the time of Yrln's birth. Yrln reared thirteen children in total, one of whom was Farah.

Sylvas (Farah's Wife)
After a series of failed romances, Farah would happen to meet the one woman who would truly change her life, Sylvas Vex. Theirs is a reciprocating love, and they compliment each other well. Mydia, Farah's arch enemy, kidnapped Farah a few weeks after their wedding, planning to kill Farah and absorb her Mist. Sylvas searched for her wife, found her, saved her, and restored her to health and her life there at home. Sylvas stays by Farah's side, now as the leader of their home, with Farah being watched over and guarded. As much as it lies within Sylvas, nothing will ever harm Farah again.

Sylvas was born and raised in a small, traditional Viera tribe. Her mother was the tribe's chieftain. When she came of age, she became weary of the tribe's laws and customs, and struck out on her own. She would have likely perished, but she was taken in by an older, lone Hyur man, who also lived in the jungle. He nursed her back to health, taught her, trained her, gave her a place to temporarily live and grow and learn without threat of harm or being found. He finally gave her a ferry ticket to the city of Kugane where she'd begin her own story.

Terrowin (Farah's Half-Brother)
Terrowin is the half-brother of the family, due to an affair between Yrln and a Ul'dahn Hyur business associate. The affair was shrouded in mystery as Yrln and her husband agreed to keep the details surrounding the affair private. With only delicious gossip that spread amongst the siblings, Terrowin was often viewed as the black sheep of the family. The outcast, who doesn't belong. However, Heldalin, Yrln's husband, the father of Farah and the others, adopted Terrowin and raised him as his own son, giving him impartial treatment, no different from Terrowin's siblings.

His personality is cocky and arrogant at times, sure of himself, a go-getter. He is good-humored, but sarcastic. He is also kind, when he wants to be.

He's had to fight for everything he has, including the recognition of others, as he was a half breed and his conception was considered a disgraceful thing by his family.

Heldalin (Farah's Father)
Heldalin was a city born Viera, who led a life of honor and uprightness. He first received his taste of farm life, working as a stablehand in Ul'dah for the local Chocobo Keeper. Later, he joined the militia of Ul'dah and quickly rose in rank to join the Sultansworn Intelligence division. It was soon that he was monitoring the business dealings of traders, merchants, and ensuring the city streets were clear of underground mafia kingpins who would try to money launder or use subversive activity to accomplish their schemes.

It was at this job he would meet a short, blonde viera woman who would transform his life. Every trip she made to Ul'dah to sell her family's goods, he'd see her, exchange words here and there, and finally muster enough courage to ask to court her. This viera woman, Yrln, would later become his wife and he'd move to live with her and her family on their farm, and would become joint-heir to the farm, and partner to his wife's heritage.

Later, learning of an affair of his wife and a Hyur business-associate, he became distraught, planning to divorce and move away. However, he learned the reasoning behind his wife's actions and the truth behind her heritage, and he chose out of the goodness of his heart to forgive her and vowed to be at her side regardless. He also adopted the child, born as a result of that affair, Terrowin. He regarded him as his own son, and did not give him any lesser treatment than his other children.

Mydia (Antagonist)
Mydia was the eldest daughter of the Aegyl Feolthanos and his Viera wife. Her father sought to control her and her sisters, using their mist (aether) to further his power. Suffering at his hand, she took it upon herself to free her and her sisters from their cruel fate by killing them in mercy. Lastly, she planned to end her own life as well. Freedom would come.
However, when she killed, she absorbed her Feol "sisters'" mist, and soon the lust for that power crazed her mind. She no longer killed for mercy, but to absorb more and more mist. She presumed she'd become a god by concentrating all Feol mist inside herself. Farah's family is the last Feol bloodline known to her. She has hunted Farah's bloodline to achieve this end.